Standard orange and green stickers noting what is on sale in your store can drive sales of that particular item. However, custom stickers and branded labels can help your business in several ways. We’ll focus on the practical applications and benefits of custom stickers that any business can see.
You don’t have to choose between cookie-cutter cardboard boxes and expensive branded boxes. You can put custom stickers and labels on your packaging. The stickers and labels identify your packages as having come from your company at a lower cost than custom packaging. You can apply the same inventory of labels to any package you ship, large or small. If you change your logo or marketing campaign, the stickers can be swapped out at any time. It is far easier to store seasonal branded stickers than stacks of red and green boxes until next Christmas.
Stickers and labels can enhance your brand in a variety of ways. Give them to customers to put wherever they’d like. Whether it is a child putting the sticker on their shirt, a fan putting it on their car or a friend putting it on their laptop computer, the printed stickers improve your brand’s recognition. You can use the stickers to add colour, texture and energy to flyers, business cards and packages. Applying custom, branded stickers to generic shopping bags turns them into walking billboards for your company, too.
Throw in brightly coloured stickers in your shipped orders, and customers may appreciate the freebie. Yet this cost you relatively little, and there’s no long-term liability like that created with gift cards or coupons. Or you could give away stickers and decals at trade shows, attracting as much attention as pen and button giveaways while having less money invested.
Note that you can combine stickers with social media campaigns, such as asking people to take pictures of themselves wearing the sticker and posting it with a set hashtag. If you’re already using a hashtag for marketing purposes, handing out stickers with the hashtag and your branding increases awareness of it. Tie it into a promotional contest to get social media buzz going. For example, you could offer freebies and enter people in contests if they post a properly hash-tagged picture of themselves wearing your sticker or have your sticker on their car.
Stickers and decals can impact your organisation’s security. Use branded stickers to seal envelopes mailed to customers to reduce the odds of mail tampering or the letter simply coming open. Put stickers and labels on packages ready for delivery so that it is obvious if it has been opened.
Putting branded stickers on large or expensive items when they are sold is a tactful way of marking what has been paid for as it goes through the door. This reduces the need for security to slow people down as they leave the store to verify, they paid for everything in the cart. Wrapping labels and stickers around bags you’ve closed, or stapled shut is another theft deterrent.