As an entrepreneur one of most valuable resources you can possess is an extensive and well-qualified support network. You may be looking to network with business angels who can provide finance and advice/ experience from prior startups. It may be that you may be looking for a group where you can network and find other entrepreneurs, maybe even a co-founder.
Whatever your aim having a versatile and wide-ranging support network can be extremely helpful when setting up a small businesses or running a startup. There is a range of organisations and networks providing support and links for UK based entrepreneurs. Being an active member of networks can lead to new business opportunities, sales and investment.
Institute of Directors (IOD)
The IOD is one of Britain’s most respected business networks, to become a member you must be a director of a company. The network includes some of Britain’s most powerful business owners and entrepreneurs.
They have locations across the country and run a range of events and programs. Arguably one of the best business networks to join in the UK.
Location: UK & Ireland
Pricing: £385 a year, £220 joining fee (January, 2015)
Contact/ Apply: You can find out more about membership and apply here.
First Tuesday
First Tuesday is a vast network across the UK, operating individual networking events across the country on the first Tuesday of each month.
Pricing: Depends on the event, local networking groups generally free.
Contact/ Apply: You can reach them here.
British Chambers of Commerce
The British Chambers of Commerce is arguably one the oldest and most respected business networking organisations in the country. 100’s of chambers are setup across the UK connecting local business owners and entrepreneurs.
Pricing: Depends on your local chamber, membership fees vary.
Contact/ Apply: You should reach out to your local chamber by searching them on Google, you can reach the national body here and also here is a national events list.
Federation of Small Business (FSB)
With over 200,000 members across 33 regions and 188 branches, the FSB is one of the most joined and wide reaching business groups for networking, events and more.
Pricing: From £155* a year (January 2015)
Contact/ Apply: You should search for your local group on Google or can contact the national body here.
Supper Club
The Supper Club is a membership club for high-growth entrepreneurs above £1m turnover. A highly vetted membership process means the Supper Club brings together some of Britain’s leading entrepreneurs.
Pricing: On Application
Contact/ Apply: They primarily run events in London.
Ashoka is one of the worlds leading organisations and networks for social entrepreneurs, with in excess of 3,000 fellows worldwide.
Pricing: Unknown, presumed free but application process is highly vetted.
Contact/ Apply: You can reach them here.
National association of college and university entrepreneurs (Nacue)
Nacue has a vast network, array of events and societies supported by them. Nacue is a great organisation for young entrepreneurs in education to join by sheer numbers alone.
Pricing: Free
Contact/ Apply: Typically you can join a Nacue society at your university of FE college, you can also attend national events. They also have an online forum/ networking site dedicated to entrepreneurs.
Enactus is the largest on campus student group in the world. Each chapter typically at a college/ University focuses on running a social enterprise that works across a range of areas.
Pricing: Free
Contact/ Apply: You can find your university SIFE Chapter or contact the national body for direct contact.
Elevation Networks
Setup as a youth employment charity, Elevation Networks is setup to work with people aged 11-25 and underrepresented groups in the labour market. They offer a great network for students entrepreneurs and graduates, also running a series of events and educational programs
Pricing: Free
Contact/ Apply: You can find out more here.
Md2MD is a community of business leaders responsible for 10s or 100s of staff that are committed to improving their own leadership and their teams’ development.
Pricing: £295 – 795, see membership page for full details.
Contact/Apply: Please fill in MD2MD’s enquiry form for a demonstration meeting here.