If you are looking for quick answers, then copy your online marketing strategy, right down to using the same adverts, and run them on your digital signs. You will be surprised how much of your online marketing campaign transfers comfortably over to digital sign marketing. Grab your Digital Signage Content Creator, convert your promotional material so that it is usable on digital signs, and start testing a few ideas. That is the short answer to creating your digital signage marketing strategy. Read on below for a slightly longer answer.
Start By Experimenting
Most online articles are going to tell you to identify your target audience, to segment, identify, monitor, etc., but that sort of thing isn’t a good starting point. Think of your digital signs as if they are posters. Tell yourself that they are sending out a single message and start experimenting with what that message should be.
The method by which you direct your message doesn’t really matter. You can put digital images of posters on your digital signs if you wish. It doesn’t matter. During the experimental phase, your job is to find out ways to create an impact and then measure the impact.
Creating and Measuring The Impact
Let’s say that you have an offer on your best lawnmowers. You can try creating a poster image of your lawn mower with the previous price and the new price. You place that image on all the signs in your store. Measuring is probably pretty easy at this point because if sales of your lawn mower improve, then you know your signs are working. However, if sales don’t improve, you have to figure out if it is the content or the position of the digital signs.
A Store Message or An Individual Message
When you create a store message, you put the same (or similar) content on almost all your signs. You see this sort of thing when companies offer delivery and insurance. For example, a carpet store may have signs in many different locations around the store that remind people of their insurance and delivery rates. On the other hand, some businesses have different signs for different areas and products. For example, they may show comparison videos near their household electronics, but only show device stats on the signs near Smartphone and tablet devices.
Testing Content and Variables
This is a very tricky one. It starts with testing your content. You need to be sure that your content is on point so that you can narrow some of the variables in your favour. As mentioned earlier, the location of your signs will have an effect on how well they work. Also, the exposure they get, the number of people who see them, and so forth will also have an effect. For example, the signs at the front of your store or near the checkouts are going to get more exposure than those near the bathrooms or in those in each department. Testing everything from when you run certain adverts to how often you change your adverts will all affect how you direct your campaign.
Build Success Into Your Plans
As you make your plans, work on the assumption that your digital sign will convert people and make sales. How will each sign affect people as they interact with your store and your business? Will an increase in sales of your Smartphones mean that more staff are needed to unlock and sell them? Are there places where people can stand or sit a watch your extended adverts? Are you planning on making your short videos as highly effective as possible? Or, are they sowing the seeds of interest so that people come back in the future? Make the assumption that you are going to succeed so you can plan for how it will affect your customers, your staff, and even your stock levels.