Search engine optimization is a key component of marketing plans, yet many business owners remain unsure of how it works.
SEO is constantly evolving, which makes it one of the hardest strategies to understand – particularly by the older generations who never had to worry about digital marketing. The overall plan to improve the ranking of your business’s website on search engines must encompass various tactics.
1. It Is A One Time Deal
It is a common misconception that SEO is a one-time deal. That somehow there is a checklist, and once everything has been ticked off, marketing teams can move forward without doing anything more.
While that is a better strategy than having no SEO, it typically does not work out well. SEO works best with regular maintenance, like a car.
2. Backlinks Are Miracles
Another common myth is that more backlinks will lead to better ranking and higher conversion rates.
Backlinks are links from other websites that direct browsers back to your page. The idea here is that they help improve your site’s ranking, but that only happens when the links come from credible sites. They are indeed an essential element of SEO, but the trick is to know that the rule here is quality over quantity. Authority and relevance matter more.
3. Keyword Stuffing
Keywords are an essential part of an effective SEO strategy, but stuffing them into your website for the sole reason of trying to rank higher is not the way to go. Integrating your keywords too often leads to keyword stuffing, which will likely have a negative impact on your ranking.
Google and other search engines could penalize your site for overusing keywords, so best to come up with a more organic approach to keyword usage. Your keyword density should ideally stay below 3% – you can work out yours by taking the total number of times a keyword features and dividing it by the number of words on a page. Multiply that result by 100 to get a percentage.
Ask a reputable agency about their SEO services to find out how they can help your site in the best way possible.
4. Content Does Not Matter
SEO is not all about keywords and keyword targeting. The content on each page matters more than some people think. Aim to improve your content offering by using high-quality writing, images, and videos.
Help improve your site’s SEO by providing compelling content that gives your audience the information they want.
5. The Results Are Immediate
There is never guaranteed success in SEO. While it is possible to learn what works best for your brand and website, the strategy that ends up being the most effective will take time and tweaking to get right.
If an agency promises you immediate results, they probably do not know what they are talking about. Developing the right strategy requires patience and continuous adaptation. Look to achieve a good result and optimize your strategy from there.
In Conclusion
These tips above wrap up the basic pervasive SEO myths. Follow them to help improve your SEO strategy and cut through the noise of what the internet trolls think is best. If in doubt, consult a reputable SEO agency to help you build the perfect strategy for your brand and your site.