This wonderful invention has helped generations of businesses and patrons, ever since 1888. What made this invention such a success? Was its original value in keeping out horses (as some legends suggest) or purely the benefit of people exiting and entering simultaneously that made this invention so popular. Who knows but either way, revolving doors have taken society, businesses and governments by storm (in a very quiet way).
You might think revolving doors have not changed in the last 100 years and you’d be wrong. As the world has changed and science and technology developed, the additional features and technologies integrated into this type of door as evolved significantly too (companies like Advance Access have done revolutionary stuff with glass revolving doors in recent years).
What’s the history behind revolving doors?
As mentioned, revolving doors can be traced back to the 1880s. In Germany, a patent was granted in 1881 to H. Bockhacker, and in America in 1888 to T van Kannel. The patent papers describe the goals of revolving doors as:
- Having a noise-free
- Minimising collisions between people entering and exiting.
- Limiting the effects of the weather on buildings (a revolving door can’t be blown open, and rain or snow can’t be forced inside by wind).
The original doors that were built off these premises above have now very much evolved into the modern equipment that we see across the globe including buildings and offices in London (even coworking spaces). Whether there being used as metal security doors, being used as an extra space for marketing or acting as turnstiles that enable better flow through into sports venues or theme parks, revolving doors provide some core benefits that are often overlooked.
Creating a strong impression
Glass revolving doors make an impression on anyone entering your building. Revolving glass doors can make your structure seem formidable as well as ultra-stylish to show you’re organisation is one to be taken seriously and respected. Revolving glass doors can also be customised with colour, posters and more marketing assets , enabling your doors to act as brand ambassadors to anyone who walks in.
Light and thus glass also never go out of fashion, so this is a long term investment that you likely won’t need to upgrade anytime soon.
Reducing energy consumption
A set of revolving doors can help to significantly reduce energy costs and thus utility bills for any organisation who owns or operates a building or business premises. This is because;
- A sealed door won’t allow drafts to enter the building. Therefore it’s easy to maintain the temperature inside, without the need for additional heating or cooling systems use as more traditional doors (in hotter climates reducing the use/need for air conditioning).
- Glass doors allow in great amounts of light compared to using wooden doors. That means your entrance hall, meaning you’ll require fewer light fittings and less energy to light it up.
- Revolving doors also reduce the amount of dust, mud and debris that enters the building from outside, acting as a sort of airlock for larger particulates! This will reduce the need for cleaning, reducing the electrical cost associated with cleaning appliances.
Overall revolving doors can enable you to significantly reduce your energy consumption within the lobby of a building.
Enabling a safer environment
Glass doors are an effective way of enabling the flow of foot traffic in and out of a building, in fulfilling this process they offer several safety advantages over more traditional doors, such as:
- Delaying the entrance of an individual allowing security to quickly check the individual and potential meet them at the door if they are determined to be a possible threat.
- They allow people in and out of the building at a manageable pace and mostly eliminate the problem of people getting stuck indoors when trying to enter or exit the building
In addition to these advantages with modern revolving doors you can control the speed of revolving glass doors, so intruders can’t storm in and will only be able to enter with one or two others. Your new decorative feature just turned into a safety and security perk.
It’s also worthwhile to note that while they promote flow, they can be hindrances during emergencies. For this reason, it’s a good idea to have these doors to be flanked by normal doors or be easily collapsible (in many jurisdictions this is also legally required for fire and health/safety reasons). Now, when throngs of people need to exit during a fire, they won’t be trapped inside because of a revolving door that only moves at a certain pace.
A better customer experience
If you’re in retail, creating a positive customer experience is essential. What better way to help people, revolving doors enhance the experience for customers by allowing them to easily and seamlessly enter or exit a store (even while carrying many bags). Additionally, for differently abled customers, such as those with crutches or even a wheelchair it’s easier to navigate revolving glass doors compared to a normal door.
Get the most out of your revolving doors
Aside from the energy saving and experience benefits, revolving doors can be a great addition to any commercial or office building. Finally, it’s worth noting when talking to your supplier about revolving doors to ask some key questions/requests:
- Does it seal well to prevent leakages?
- How often should you replace or check these seals?
- Request signage (or obtain elsewhere) to remind patrons to use your new revolving door.
- Some avoid revolving glass doors especially if they’re not automated because they have to expend energy to use them.
Hopefully, you’ve learnt by now that not all doors are created equal and that alongside more traditional options, sliding doors can offer some major benefits to any organisations or business running a commercial building or non-commercial building.